David A Gammon, Sixth Sense
Monday 12th December 2022
Demand more from yourself – I will hold you to a higher standard of performance, creativity, decision-making, action, communication and collaboration than you would for yourself.
Show up – Be present – I will be present to you in conversation, and I expect the same. So come prepared, clear-headed, willing to explore new ideas and committed to improvement. Treat our time together as the space to step back and look at things afresh.
Do the work – When you agree to a decision or action with me, you commit yourself. Personal commitments are what our character is built on, so we must do what we say we will do.
Don’t wait… Ask – You don’t have to wait until scheduled sessions. If you have a question, want to check something or need to reset, reach out. I am here to support you when you need me. Do not defer something that could be resolved with an email or quick conversation.
Empty your bag – We don’t leave challenges and problems to fester and grow. Instead, we deal with them immediately so they don’t weigh us down and slow our progress.
Don’t lie to me – Partnerships are based on total honesty. This requires precise language and a willingness to challenge each other. I am not here to judge you but to ensure you keep on track to achieve what you want. So treat me as someone you can confide in, no matter how unpleasant or uncomfortable the truth might be.
Value the time – Be punctual, arrive on time, and be ready to go. I know that life is a contact sport, so if you need to cancel, I will understand and be as flexible as possible.
By any means necessary – I’m not always coaching. Sometimes I’ll offer you a solution. Sometimes, I’ll need to go away and think. But together, we will always work out the most straightforward course of action.
Mixing it up – I might suggest we do something different from time to time. For example, go for a walk, try a new venue, and have lunch or even a beer together. This can be part of our sessions or just for kicks, so be open to doing things differently.
Everything is on the table – Your commercial performance is affected by your personal life, and your personal life is affected by your performance at work. So if challenges outside your working life stop you from moving forward, we will explore them.
For your eyes only – The contents of our conversations remain confidential unless we explicitly agree otherwise. This is true whether you are the person paying my invoice or not.