Business Is Simple - People Make It Complicated!
Leader in the Mirror.

Leader in the Mirror.

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What about your management team and your senior team members, what do they see?

You and your team should see a confident, resilient, high-functioning businessperson capable of effortlessly dealing with challenges and seizing opportunities whilst attaining what they want. And if don’t, then you’re operating from an expensive illusion. 

When I look at you, I can see a competent human being. 

But someone who doesn’t always see themselves that way is confused about what they want or is stuck and can’t see the way forward. This is an expensive illusion because it stops you and the people you entrust your company with from making the right decisions and taking compelling actions that will create powerful results and make the experience of running your business that bit more enjoyable.

You are more than you think you are. 

The same is true of everyone around you. There is work to do, though. We spend our whole lives crafting our identity and carefully marking out comfort zones in a bid to keep ourselves safe. If we want to move forward and win, we must be willing to challenge our limiting perspectives and beliefs on our terms. We must see ourselves, the game, and the rules we choose to play differently.

You need to understand how to access the very best leadership position that you have within you. And combine it with the ability to understand and respond to various management and commercial situations, from difficult employee conversations to contributing to big decisions.

Complicated stuff will become that bit easier, and you will become that much happier, confident, and resilient.


Business Simple E-Book by Dave Gammon

Business Is Simple – People Make It Complicated!

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